The corners of a room can be a powerful representation of chi energy.

Each compass direction is assigned one of the five elements used in feng shui. Introduce appropriate elements based on which sector your bedroom is located.

For example, if the bedroom is in the south sector – the addition of a candle element helps support the fire element of the south sector.

Sectors and their associated elements include:

  • North (Water): Metal furniture, objects or picture frames
  • South (Fire): Lamps, candles or fireplace
  • East and Southeast (Wood): Wood furniture, floors or objects
  • West and Northwest (Metal): Metal furniture, objects or picture frames
  • Southwest and Northeast (Earth): Ceramics, tile flooring or crystals

Corners Defined by Classical Feng Shui

Each room has corners that can be activated depending on the type of feng shui you choose to follow.

Classical feng shui uses compass directions to determine the placement of the bagua. A compass reading is taken from the front door of the home for the facing direction to determine the bagua placement.

The feng shui bagua consists of pie-shaped wedges called trigrams and commonly referred to as sectors. A corner in feng shui is usually referring to the corner of an individual room or the outer corner of the house.

Any of the eight compass directions can govern the corners of a room, depending on the facing direction of the house. The following gives each direction and the area of life they rule.

  • South: Recognition and fame luck
  • Southwest: Love and relationship luck
  • West: Descendants luck
  • Northwest: Mentor luck
  • North: Career luck
  • Northeast: Education luck
  • East: Health luck
  • Southeast: Wealth luck


How to Use a Simple Compass for Feng Shui?

A compass can be used in many ways, from telling which way is North to finding hidden treasure or following an unmarked path over wilderness terrain.There are four cardinal points on a compass – North, South, East, and West. Beside these, a compass has four intercardinal points, and eight secondary inter-cardinal points.
Since there IS a need for more precise directions, the circle of a compass face is split into 360 marks called degrees.

How to Read a Compass

  • Hold your compass steadily in your hand so the base plate is level and the direction-of-travel arrow is pointing straight away from you.
  • Hold it about halfway between your face and waist in a comfortable arm position with your elbow bent and compass held close to your stomach.
  • Look down at the compass and see where the needle points

  • Turn your body while keeping the compass in front of you.
  • Notice that as the compass rotates, the needle stays pointing the same direction.
  • Keep turning until the needle points to East on the compass like the picture below, keeping the direction-of-travel arrow and North mark facing straight in front of you.

  • To find my direction, I must turn the compass dial until the North mark and the “Orienting Arrow” are lined up with the North end of the needle. Then I can read the heading that is at the Index Pointer spot (the butt of the direction-of-travel arrow). Since the Orienting Arrow is usually two parallel lines on the floor of the compass housing, a good thing to memorize is: “RED IN THE SHED”. Now we know we are really heading West (270 degrees).

Any compass can be used in Feng shui, although for only some small tasks, like finding which corner of the room is pointing some particular direction.


  1. Reading a Compass (Article on
  2. Maximize the Luck of Corners in a Feng Shui Home

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