“The Keys of Solomon” is a collective term used to refer to several grimoires (books of magic) attributed to King Solomon, the biblical figure renowned for his wisdom.
These texts are part of Western esoteric tradition and are believed to contain magical and ritualistic instructions. The two most famous texts under the “Keys of Solomon” category are the “Greater Key of Solomon” and the “Lesser Key of Solomon.”
The “Key of Solomon” has played a significant role in the history of Western esotericism and occultism.
It has been studied, adapted, and practiced by countless magicians, occultists, and scholars over the centuries.
Its influence can be seen in various magical traditions, including ceremonial magic, demonology, and angelic magic.
The efficacy of the rituals and spells described in the “Key of Solomon” is a matter of belief and interpretation.
While some practitioners approach these rituals as a form of spiritual and psychological exploration, others view them as means of invoking actual supernatural entities.
The Greater Key of Solomon
This is one of the most well-known grimoires in Western occultism.
This section of the “Key of Solomon” primarily focuses on rituals for conjuring and commanding spirits, both good and evil.
It contains instructions for creating magical tools, such as the Circle and Triangle of Art, as well as various pentacles and sigils associated with angels, spirits, and celestial bodies.
It’s often referred to as the “Greater Key” to distinguish it from the “Lesser Key.”
The “Greater Key” is traditionally attributed to King Solomon and is believed to contain instructions for summoning and controlling various spirits, as well as information about magical tools, sigils, and pentacles.
It’s divided into two books:
Book One: Ars Goetia
This section describes the conjuration and control of 72 demons or spirits. Each demon is associated with a specific sigil and a description of their abilities.
The practitioner can evoke these spirits for various purposes, including gaining knowledge, acquiring wealth, or seeking power.
Book Two: Ars Theurgia
This book focuses on more angelic and divine magic.
It includes invocations, prayers, and rituals for contacting angelic beings and harnessing their assistance for divine wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.
The Lesser Key of Solomon
Also known as the “Lemegeton,” this text is divided into five books or sections, each with its own focus:
Ars Goetia
Similar to the “Ars Goetia” in the “Greater Key,” this section provides instructions for summoning and controlling demons.
Ars Theurgia Goetia
This book continues the theme of summoning spirits but places a greater emphasis on the celestial and angelic realms.
Ars Paulina
This section deals with the 72 angels of the zodiac, connecting them to different degrees of the signs of the zodiac.
Ars Almadel
Focused on angelic magic, this section provides instructions for contacting angels through the use of an altar known as the Almadel.
Ars Notoria
The final book, the “Ars Notoria,” contains a series of prayers and invocations meant to enhance one’s intellectual and spiritual abilities.
These texts, especially the “Lesser Key,” have played a significant role in the development of Western occultism, ceremonial magic, and demonology.
They have been studied, adapted, and used by various magicians, occultists, and esoteric practitioners throughout history.
It’s important to note that the effectiveness of the rituals described in these texts is a matter of belief and interpretation, and their use varies widely among practitioners.